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Online Quran Academy

Daily Supplication (Islamic Duas)

Daily Supplication:

Masnoon Duain is the most important part of every Muslim’s life. It is great to reward Almighty Allah for His creation. Every Muslim should recite Quranic Dua after the worship. We recite Masnoon duain in every problem we face in our life. There is no time of dua, you can recite these daily routine duaen every time and everywhere in the world. If you want to get more close to Allah so recite the Quran and make dua for yourself and for every Muslim.  When Muslims recite these Islamic duas then Almighty Allah blesses them specially. We need to make dua for ourselves, our Parents, relatives, friends, and all Muslims around the world.

Masnoon Duain in daily routine life:
Masnoon Duain is recited for every single purpose, For example, dua for going to bed, dua for entering the Masjid, dua for after sneezing, dua for coming out from Masjid, dua for iftar, dua for sehri, dua for safety, dua for virtuous children, dua for leaving Masjid, dua for waking up, dua for beginning a journey, dua for dressing, dua for entering the house, dua for eating a meal, dua after eating a meal, dua at the time of joining hands, dua at the time coming out from the house and etc.

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